Thursday, January 3, 2008


Unfortunately, we're not talking about the fun plastic toy game from Hasbro.

Check out this funny video--a phony public service announcement about that dreaded louse.

And to further add to the randomness of this post, there's apparently a software program (the aptly named Cooties - see logo at right) designed to help teach students about the spread of disease.

In the words of humor columnist Dave Barry, we are not making this up!

Ed on the Campaign Trail

Welcome back to The Comp Book and to a new year!

For the last few days, the national media have been camping out in Iowa to cover the landmark "First in the Nation" caucuses. And while there continues to be a lot of talk about Iraq and the economy, the one major issue none of the candidates are really talking about is education.

One place to scope out the candidates' views is a Education Election, a great blog written by education reporters from around the country. They've posted links to all of the candidates and their education platforms. It's worth a couple of clicks to see just what the candidates are--and aren't--saying. Today's Ed Election post discusses a Bloomberg News story on Microsoft's Bill Gates--who is NOT running for president--but has spent $30 million on his Ed in 08 campaign.

Thirty million dollars and still no traction on the national scene?

Here in Washington state, 2008 is also an important year because this is the first class to graduate under the state's new graduation standards. This includes passage of the state test in reading and writing, as well as completing a culminating project and 13th year plan. For lawmakers up for re-election next fall, it could mean more scrutiny of their position on this key issue. Stay tuned: session starts Monday, Jan. 14.

How are you keeping pace with the presidential candidates and their stances on education?